Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Playing Nicely

On morning my kids nicely played together dressing up all their Build-A-Bears.  It was a nice peaceful morning!  

Miniature Tea Party Food

Hailey continues to love playing Miniature Tea Party!  
Here are some of our favorite things to make.  There are chocolate cream pies.  Or Oreo's pulled apart, with whip cream and sprinkles on top.  Then there is her other favorite, mini-marshmallows.  We put icing on top and a heart sprinkle.  Or course there are always fish crackers, gummy bears and fruit.

                                                                       Silly Girl

Curtains in the Kids Room

My Mother-in-law helped me make curtains for the kids room, the last time Nick parents visited.  I must come clean, because, I only did one long stitch.  So my help was minimal.  The material is bright and adds a lot of color to the kids room.  We put red on the back side and black out blinds in the middle.  The kids have been sleeping wonderfully!