Thursday, December 4, 2008

Funny Things Hailey Says

Hailey's monthly school newsletter always includes cute things that each child says.  Here's a conversation from it.

Hailey: My Mom calls me alligator.
Gilford: Alligator?  Alligator is a green big animal with many teeth, he lives in the water and you don't want to be called an alligator.  Tell your mom to change it.
H: Oh! Okay!
G: My dad is very silly, he always does silly things at home with us.  My mom is only silly sometimes, not all the time.
H:  My Dad is fun!

I'm glad the reporter ended it there. Who knows what else she could have said?  At least she didn't say that I was no fun!  And for the record, I have never called her alligator.  What else does she make up about us?

Hailey was talking about these two funny boys from her class.  I mentioned that they were twins.  I asked if she knew what this meant.  She replied, "Yah, they got out at the same time"


Angella said...

That's so funny! I think I remember making up things about my parents when I was younger. There's no telling what that silly Hailey is saying about you guys while you're not around... :)

Anonymous said...

What a great story! I love that you get small conversations back from the school. I think the kids make up stuff all the time... and my Jared seems to do that kind of stuff more than Samantha did... (at least that I knew about!)