Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday Music

Hailey is like an MP3 player.  She is constantly singing Christmas music.  While grocery shopping she was singing "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas."   Her version goes like this: "Have a holly jolly Christmas, (blah, blah, blah) please have snow and mistletoe, and a cup of beer!"  I smiled the first couple times, but just couldn't contain myself, as I realized that is how she's memorized the song!   


Sherilee said...

Don't you just love the cute things they say? Arianna's the same way. Wow, your kids are getting big, but staying just as cute. So are they pretty good friends? Arianna and Lucas get along pretty well, in a motherly-son sort of way. Does Hailey mother Jack at all?
I bet you guys are enjoying the nice mild weather in Cali. I don't know about you, but I sure don't miss N.Y.'s bitter winters!

Teressa P. said...

Hey, I can't read the great stuff you wrote because your writing is the same color as your background. Hope all is well. Are you guys coming down sometime for the holidays?