Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jack Post-Op

Jack's orchiopexy surgery was last Friday.  He's making a complete recovery and back to making mischief!

Here are some pictures 6 hours after his surgery.  He looks pretty good!

Here's the new blue pick-up truck that he got that morning!  He held onto that truck, a wind-up chick and his blue blanket named Nay-Nay, when they wheel him away.  

About 30 minutes before wheeling him away, the nurses gave him verced, a narcotic, to make the separation easier.  It also gives them no memory of leaving their parents.  Side effect, it makes the recipient act as if they're drunk.  Jack was hilarious!  

The worst part of the day, was trying to comfort him as he came out of the anesthesia!  He was screaming, pulling at the 3 heart monitors and IV, and thrashing.  It seemed like this went on forever.  He finally calmed down with morphine! 

I imagined that day would be pretty dramatic!  I thought we'd be in tears as they wheel Jack away.  We were greatly blessed with a reassuring calmness!  We felt our little boy was in good hands with our surgeon and anesthesiologist.  We knew he'd be just fine!  


Lynnie said...

jenny - what's your email? I really would love to talk to you about this. Email me at Thanks!

Anna and Ryan said...

Poor little guy. I had to google orchiopexy...not fun. But what an interesting procedure that they go through the belly button...surgeons are amazing.

I love your comment about teaching your children good family values. Maybe they eloped...thta would explain things.